Budget 2024

Child Poverty Report 2024
Te Pōharatanga Tamariki

The Government's approach to child poverty

The Government's focus is on changing the circumstances that trap people in poverty, by providing them with real opportunities to make changes and choices. It therefore aims to address the long-term drivers of child poverty to achieve reductions in poverty rates, particularly material hardship.

A key driver of child poverty is living in a benefit-dependent home. The Government is committed to supporting parents who are receiving a benefit into work, including as part of the target to reduce the number of Jobseeker Support recipients by 50,000 over the next six years. An important element of this is making work pay, which is why Budget 2024 includes FamilyBoost and a significant increase in the In-Work Tax Credit for working families. Other longer-term drivers and consequences of child poverty the Government will continue to focus on include school attendance and achievement, food insecurity, avoidable hospitalisations, and housing quality and affordability.

Crucially, the principles of social investment - intervening earlier and more effectively - will guide decisions on where to invest and what to do differently to improve outcomes for New Zealand's children and young people.

A stronger economy helps facilitate all these measures - both directly (by providing more opportunities and higher incomes) and indirectly (through the ability to fund high-quality public services and programmes).

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