Data Library

Quick access to the MS Excel, MS Word and PDF files containing data from tables and charts in Budget documents in this Budget site.

Estimates of Appropriations Data

Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25: Revenue
XLSX, 103 KB
Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25: Expenses
XLSX, 922 KB
Explanatory information is in the intro sheets of each Excel file. Or see Budget data from the Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25.
Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25: Summary Tables
PDF, 599 KB
DOC, 771 KB
Supplementary Estimates of Appropriations 2023/24: Summary Tables
PDF, 574 KB
DOC, 749 KB
Explanatory notes for the Summary Tables: Summary Tables for the Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25 and Summary Tables for the Supplementary Estimates of Appropriations 2023/24.

Economic and Fiscal Updates Data

Budget Economic and Fiscal Update 2024: Charts and Data
XLSX, 1.39 MB
Budget Economic and Fiscal Update 2024: Data - Core Crown Expense Tables
Read the Budget Economic and Fiscal Update 2024
Budget Economic and Fiscal Update 2024 - Data - Economic Forecasts Data
CSV, 22 KB
Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update 2023: Charts and Data
XLSX, 1.36 MB
Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update 2023 - Core Crown Expense Tables
XLSX, 191 KB
Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update 2023 - Economic Forecasts Data
CSV, 21 KB

Fiscal Strategy Data

Fiscal Strategy Model - BEFU 2024 Update
XLSX, 957 KB
See Fiscal Strategy Model for the Projection Assumptions out to 2035/36 and other explanatory information.
Budget Policy Statement 2024: Charts and Data
XLSX, 362 KB
Read the Budget Policy Statement 2024 published on 27 March 2024.
Economic and Tax Outlook - BPS 2024
PDF, 310 KB
Economic and Tax Outlook - BPS 2024 - Charts and Data
XLSX, 296 KB
Economic and Tax Outlook - BPS 2024 - Scenario
Fiscal Time Series Historical Fiscal Indicators 1972-2023: Data
XLSX, 224 KB
Fiscal Time Series Historical Fiscal Indicators 1972-2023: Explanatory Note
PDF, 47 KB
Explanatory notes are available on the Treasury website:
Fiscal Strategy Report 2024: Charts and Data
XLSX, 186 KB
Data for charts appearing in the Fiscal Strategy Report 2024.
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