Budget at a Glance

Budget at
a Glance

Budget 2024 package

Budget 2024 includes new spending, savings and the reprioritisation of resources to frontline services, all within an operating allowance of $3.2 billion per annum - the lowest operating allowance since Budget 2018. Tax relief is fully funded, and spending is targeted, effective and affordable.

Budget 2024 package Operating annual
average cost/
(saving) $billion
Tax relief 3.68
Savings and revenue to fund tax relief (3.71)
Health 2.01
Education (including tertiary) 1.01
Law and order 0.46
Social sector and disability services 0.37
Transport 0.22
Defence and foreign affairs 0.11
Other new spending 1.21
Savings and revenue to fund core services (2.15)
Total Budget 2024 3.20

Note the components of this table do not sum to this total due to rounding.

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