Budget at a Glance

Budget at
a Glance

Revenue and expenses

The Government will restore discipline to spending. It has reduced the allowance for new spending in future Budgets and will ensure this spending is targeted, effective and affordable.

Fiscal discipline is long overdue, as government spending has exceeded revenue in recent years and the difference has been borrowed.

Core Crown revenue and expenses


Core Crown Revenue
Forecast 2024/25: $136b

Core Crown Revenue Forecast 2024/25: $136b

Core Crown Expenses
Forecast 2024/25: $143.9b

Core Crown Expenses Forecast 2024/25: $143.9b

Note that the components of the revenue chart do not sum to the total revenue forecast due to rounding.



Distributional impacts presented are based on tax year 2027.

Unless otherwise stated, funding in this document refers to operating funding over the forecast period, plus capital funding.

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