Summary Tables for the Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25

Summary Tables provide a high-level perspective and comparative "ready reference" for all appropriations (annual, permanent and MYAs).

Summary Tables for the Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25
Published: 30 May 2024
Also published on the Treasury website from June 2024.
Summary Tables for the Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25
PDF, 599 KB
Summary Tables for the Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25
DOC, 771 KB

The Summary Tables cover:

  • the trends for all Votes - showing actual or estimated actual totals for the five years to 2023/24, Budget totals proposed for 2024/25 and estimated totals for the three financial years to 2027/28 with respect to each type of appropriation and of Crown revenue and capital receipts
  • each appropriation type and total appropriations - showing budgeted and estimated actual totals for 2023/24 and totals proposed for 2024/25 for each Vote
  • multi-category expenses and capital expenditure (MCAs)
  • current-year revenue-dependent appropriations for each Vote
  • multi-year appropriations by Vote, appropriation type and period
  • capital injection authorisations for 2024/25, and
  • types of Crown revenue and Crown capital receipts for 2023/24 and 2024/25 associated with each Vote.

For inclusion in the Summary Tables, MYAs are converted into actual or forecast amounts for each financial year.

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