Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25 - Natural Resources Sector

The Estimates outlines for the financial year about to start (the Budget year) expenses and capital expenditure the Government plans to incur on specified areas within each Vote, and capital injections it plans to make to individual departments.

The Estimates is organised into 9 sector volumes, with each Vote allocated to one sector.

Supporting information in the Estimates summarises the new policy initiatives and trend information for each Vote and provides information on what is intended to be achieved with each appropriation in a Vote and how performance against each appropriation will be assessed and reported on after the end of the Budget year.

See also the Summary Tables for the Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25.

Natural Resources Sector - Estimates of Appropriations for the Government of New Zealand for the Year Ending 30 June 2025
Published: 30 May 2024
Parl. Number: B5 Vol 8
ISBN: 978-1-991149-18-3 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-991149-17-6 (Print)
Also published on the Treasury website from June 2024.

See also the Summary Tables for the Estimates of Appropriations 2024/25.

Natural Resources

PDF 558 KB
DOC 423 KB
Cluster Overview
PDF 145 KB
DOC 145 KB

Natural Resources Cluster Votes

Agriculture, Biosecurity, Fisheries and Food Safety
PDF 1212 KB
DOC 1063 KB
PDF 1050 KB
DOC 766 KB
PDF 1192 KB
DOC 1067 KB

Non-Cluster Votes

Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
PDF 290 KB
DOC 121 KB

Strategic Intentions of Departments

Refer to department websites for their Strategic Intentions:

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