Revenue Portfolio - Budget 2024 Information Release

Documents in this section relate to the Revenue Portfolio.

Budget 2024 Information Release
Published: 12 September 2024
Will also be published on the Treasury website, which will be the permanent repository for this release material. Material will be withdrawn from this Budget website in May 2025.

See Information Withheld from Documents on the Budget 2024 Information Release home page, or the cover page in each PDF file, for an explanation of why deletions may have been made to some of these documents.

Return to the Alphabetical list of Portfolio release material.

Documents Released 12 September 2024

Documents Released 12 September 2024
Doc. Date Creator Title
21 Jun 2024 The Treasury Email: [EMAIL] RE: Tax at a Glance (PDF 419KB)
30 May 2024 The Treasury Email: Percentage of people getting PIT changes only (PDF 229KB)
30 May 2024 The Treasury Email: Bill passage PR (PDF 335KB)
29 May 2024 The Treasury Aide memoire T2024/1464: Personal Income Tax Modelling Note (PDF 412KB)
28 May 2024 The Treasury Email: Average household income (PDF 272KB)
27 May 2024 Office of the Minister of Finance Email: Budget Preparation (PDF 178KB)
20 May 2024 The Treasury Email: Update on number households worse off due to the part-year beneficiary issue (PDF 235KB)
17 May 2024 The Treasury and Inland Revenue Joint report T2024/1356: Interaction between IETC and WFF changes and implications for tax calculator (PDF 278KB)
9 May 2024The TreasuryEmail: query (PDF 255KB)
29 Apr 2024 Cabinet Office Financial Recommendations: Budget Technical Cabinet Minute - 2024 - 67 Revenue (PDF 277KB)
29 Apr 2024 Cabinet Office Financial Recommendations: Budget Significant Cabinet Minute 2024 - 68 Revenue (PDF 318KB)
29 Apr 2024 Cabinet Office Financial Recommendations: Budget Significant Cabinet Minute 2024 - 69 Revenue (IRD-Crown) (PDF 339KB)
29 Apr 2024The TreasuryAide memoire T2024/1202: Updated Regulatory Impact Statement for Personal Income Tax Relief (PDF 174KB)
24 Apr 2024 The Treasury and Inland Revenue Joint report T2024/1148: Regulatory Impact Statements - Personal income tax relief and $25 per week increase to the in-work tax credit (PDF 234KB)
24 Apr 2024 The Treasury Email: Sign-out on giving MSD, ACC and Health NZ advance notice of changes (PDF 246KB)
23 Apr 2024Minister of FinancePackage Reply Letter: Budget 2024 decisions - Vote Revenue (PDF 382KB)
22 Apr 2024 The Treasury Email: Cab paper feedback- for action (PDF 309KB)
19 Apr 2024 The Treasury Email: Further Detail on PIT Costings - Backpocket (PDF 362KB)
19 Apr 2024 The Treasury Email: Request from MSD to submit noting paper on Cabinet decisions (PDF 249KB)
17 Apr 2024The Treasury Email: RE: Tax Reforecast Costs - Next Steps (PDF 956KB)
15 Apr 2024 The Treasury Aide Memoire T2024/1050: Confirming approach for Budget 24 tax calculator (PDF 198KB)
12 Apr 2024 The Treasury Treasury Report T2024/1030: Budget 24 tax calculator (PDF 400KB)
11 Apr 2024The TreasuryAide memoire T2024/1021: Summarising flow-on decisions for personal tax package (PDF 206KB)
11 Apr 2024 The Treasury Treasury Report T2024/1004: Confirming flow-on decisions for personal tax changes (PDF 248KB)
10 Apr 2024 The Treasury Email: Overview of flow ons (PDF 290KB)
9 Apr 2024 The Treasury Email: Numbers for the MOF for the MOF for her appearance before FEC on Thursday (PDF 361KB)
2 Apr 2024 The Treasury Email: Follow-up from Budget matters - tax package (PDF 303KB)
27 Mar 2024 The Treasury Email with Attachment(s): Share of government spend by household equivalised disposable income quintiles, tax year 2027 (PDF 324KB)
22 Mar 2024 The Treasury Aide memoire T2024/780: Personal tax package: costings of scaling options (PDF 220KB)
22 Mar 2024 The Treasury Treasury Report T2024/668: Personal tax package - further distributional analysis including FamilyBoost (PDF 353KB)
22 Mar 2024 The Treasury Treasury Report T2024/724: Further information on Inland Revenue’s Budget 2024 investment in compliance bid and related matters (PDF 311KB)
12 Mar 2024 The Treasury Aide memoire T2024/646: Further information on TR2024/598 (Personal Income Tax – initial distributional analysis of wider package) (PDF 218KB)
12 Mar 2024 The Treasury Email: Aide Memoire: Further information on TR2024/598 (Personal Income Tax – initial distributional analysis of wider package) T2024/646 (PDF 459KB)
8 Mar 2024 The Treasury Treasury Report T2024/598: Personal Income Tax - initial distributional analysis of wider package (PDF 741KB)
5 Mar 2024 The Treasury Email: IWTC (PDF 172KB)
28 Feb 2024 The Treasury Email: PIT - reverse commissioning (PDF 255KB)
23 Feb 2024 The Treasury and Inland Revenue Joint report T2024/419: Personal Income Tax: Design and Delivery (PDF 626KB)
15 Feb 2024 The Treasury Email: Commissioning requests (PDF 252KB)
8 Feb 2024 The Treasury Email: Notes ahead of your meeting (PDF 265KB)
25 Jan 2024The Treasury and Inland RevenueJoint Report T2024/130: Personal Income Tax - results of modelling request (PDF 394KB)
25 Jan 2024 Minister of Finance Capital Invitation Letter: Budget 2024 Capital Invitation Letter - Inland Revenue (PDF 465KB)
22 Dec 2023 The Treasury Email: Commissioning from Wednesday meeting (PDF 263KB)
21 Dec 2023 Minister of Finance Invitation Letter: Budget 2024 Invitation Letter - Inland Revenue (PDF 465KB)
19 Dec 2023 The Treasury Email: Actions from our meeting (PDF 273KB)
15 Dec 2023 The Treasury and Inland Revenue Joint Report T2023/2125: Options for delivering personal income tax relief (PDF 294KB)
6 Dec 2023 The Treasury Email: Readout and action points from Joint Ministers (PDF 230KB)
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